

Social media can be a valuable tool for disseminating information, promoting accomplishments 和 engaging with students, prospective students, faculty, staff, alumni 和 the greater 社区. 每一个 of us has a role to play in telling 南’s story; the University encourages respectful 和 thoughtful use of social media as a medium to do so.

教师 or staff of academic 和 administrative units may create social network pages, profiles, boards or feeds on behalf of their department, school, college or program, 经主管批准. 这类网络的管理员应该意识到它们 are acting as representatives of the University with each comment, photo, post or tweet, 和 that these communications are reflections of the entire University, who 我们是谁,我们做什么,为什么这很重要.

The 营销和传播办公室 has put together this list of best practices 作为指南:


  • Be professional, respectful 和 disciplined while representing the University, 和 定期监控你的账户. 你要对账户上的账目负责 你管理.
  • Verify all information before posting 和 be transparent in correcting mistakes.
  • During times of an emergency, only share information provided by the main University 或透过大学官方讯息. 这将最大限度地减少提供的机会 inaccurate or conflicting information that could lead to confusion.


  • Plan in advance to ensure content is relevant, timely, engaging 和 adds value.
  • 避免发帖过于频繁或只是为了填补空白.
  • Remove University accounts that are not used regularly or that do not support institutional 优先级.


  • Engage in civil 和 thoughtful discourse; always respect the dignity of others. 意识到 that there is room on social media for users to express their opinions.
  • Profanity, personal attacks, abusive language, hateful speech 和 spam are prohibited.


  • 测量结果. Take advantage of analytics to gauge performance 和 underst和 audience 行为.
  • Recognize that the same content does not get the same response on all platforms. 每一个 platform has its own preferred image size, effective copy strategies, accessibility 特性等. Be familiar with the different audiences you may have on each channel.
  • Have a strategy for h和ling negative comments or those that contain inaccurate information. 一般来说,是营销办公室 & 通信不建议删除用户 comments unless they include hate speech, abusive language, profanity, advertising, 政治背书或垃圾邮件. 与帖子无关的评论,以及 those that include gross inaccuracies or mischaracterizations that could mislead, 可以隐藏或删除吗.


  • 大学的人口是多样化的. 确保社交媒体内容的培养 a culture 和 climate of inclusiveness 和 welcomes a diverse set of voices.
  • Written 和 visual content, including photography 和 video, should represent who 我们是谁,我们努力成为一个社区. 要注意广泛的多样性, including in gender, race, age, sexual orientation, mental 和 physical ability, 和 学科.



  • Minimize security risks by following cybersecurity best practices, including enabling 多因素身份验证和使用唯一密码 计算机服务中心建议.
  • University employees contributing content to USA social networks must adhere to policies 以及管理信息和记录隐私的法律. 任何信息 not be shared with a third party under existing University policies or applicable 法律不应该在社交媒体网站上披露.
  • All University social media accounts must have more than one University employee serving 作为帐户管理员.


  • Ensure that your content is accessible 和 inclusive to people with disabilities.
  • Write posts 和 captions with clarity to make text underst和able, so that assistive 像屏幕阅读器这样的工具可以有效地阅读你的文案.
  • Provide descriptive image captions 和 add alternative text for images.
  • Include video captions as they are crucial for viewers with hearing impairments.


  • Social media networks should not be used by University employees to endorse private 商业,或为个人经济利益. 分享内容并与他人互动 social media accounts that are official sponsors or partners of the University is 允许的.
  • University social media accounts should not endorse particular political c和idates 或者选举原因.
  • State laws 和 University policies governing ethical conduct 和 conflicts of interest 是否适用于社交媒体.


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