From Drum Major to ‘That Guy on TV’


Nicholas Herboso graduated from the 十大彩票网投平台 with a degree in 气象学 before joining  FOX 10 News in Mobile as the weekend meteorologist.  data-lightbox =“特色”
Nicholas Herboso graduated from the 十大彩票网投平台 with a degree in 气象学 before joining FOX 10 News in Mobile as the weekend meteorologist.

#MyFirstJob is a series focused on recent graduates of the 十大彩票网投平台.

Nicholas Herboso, the new weekend meteorologist at FOX 10 News in Mobile, still finds time to update weather software in the Meteorology Broadcast Studio at the University 南阿拉巴马州.

这 is where students learn to use the latest computer programs and online applications. 这 is where they practice doing weather forecasts in front of a green screen. 这 is where they polish their skills and prepare to enter the workforce.

Herboso graduated in May, but keeps coming back to 南. 广播室是 他远离家乡的家. 他想确保其他的 气象学 students enjoy the opportunities he did.

“I’ve seen the results of this,” he said. “这 is a marketing place for me. 所有的 this, all of the computers, all of the graphics, are tools to sell ourselves, promote the University, and find jobs.”

The 22-year-old has been interested in 气象学 since he was a boy growing up in Fairhope on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay. His other great passion was music and 行进乐队. He followed both interests at the 十大彩票网投平台.

作为乐队的鼓手 美洲虎军乐队, Herboso learned leadership and organization. He practiced public speaking and working 与同事相处. He gained experience as an educator and motivator.

“TV 气象学 is kind of a teaching thing,” he said. “I’m teaching people what the weather is going to be, trying to make sure they get the points they need about the forecast, and about certain meteorological concepts.

“It’s a relationship you’re building with your viewers. Everything I do, every little step, I need to be building relationships, because I need 他们 to listen to what I have to say when the time comes.”

Dr. Sytske Kimball, chair of the Department of Earth Sciences, said Herboso is the second drum major/气象学 student in two years. He follows Grant Skinner, a 2022 graduate, who is now a meteorologist at WKRG News 5 in Mobile.

“We’ve had two back-to-back, though I don’t know why – I guess they’re just talented,” 金博尔笑着说. “We’re proud of 他们, but I don’t think we have another one 明年的计划.”

She taught Herboso and knew right away he would be successful. 他在学业上很优秀 并帮助其他学生. He also worked to upgrade the video and graphics packages 在广播演播室.

“He cares about the program,” Kimball said. “He had a great experience here, which I’m grateful for, and wants to share it with other students. 他就是那种 人.”


Herboso was just a toddler in 2004 when Hurricane Ivan hit the Gulf Coast, but he has vivid memories of the storm.

“That’s the shocking thing, that I remember it,” he said. “我能记得前面 door just shaking and shaking. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina, I think, was my first television 内存. They had the satellite imagery and I watched these meteorologists, these people 我一生都知道.”

Herboso grew up with local TV fixtures such as Alan Sealls, John Edd Thompson and Jason Smith, who’s now the chief meteorologist at WALA. 他特别崇拜 for James Spann, the longtime Birmingham meteorologist.

“He has so much heart for what he does,” Herboso说. “His tornado coverage is like a master class in communication. There’s so much heart, but so much calm.”

At Fairhope High School, he was drum major of the marching band and also participated in Drum Corps International, which offered a near-professional level of performance 和竞争. He thrived in that environment.

“I like the physical side of marching and playing,” he said. “有不同程度的 passion and intensity that no other form has.”

When he had time, Herboso worked in a craft store on the Eastern Shore. 他也玩 some soccer and became a fan of the sport.

“Things like music and soccer, there’s a lot of passion to it,” he said. “有 在足球上投入了很多心血. 这就是我喜欢它的原因.”

在南, Herboso completed an internship at WKRG. Another internship at Fox 10 News, during his senior year, became a full-time job.

One afternoon, during heavy thunderstorms, Herboso did a livestream broadcast online. When the lights went out, the cameras kept rolling and he barely paused.  

“And … we have just lost power,” he said. 这种情况有时会发生. 这就是为什么 we’re here, because these are impactful storms moving through 该地区.”

After the storms passed, a viewer emailed praise that compared Herboso to a legendary meteorologist from New Orleans. “这 guy reminds me of Nash Roberts at WWL,” said 网上留言.

His parents enjoy watching him on weather broadcasts. His mother says it’s the easiest way for her to make sure he’s OK. 他是 also starting to get recognized around Mobile.

“People say, ‘Oh, you’re that 人, you’re that guy on TV,’” he said. “有一天…… Target, one of the managers talked to me. He said, ‘It’s really nice that you’re from 该地区.’”

After graduation, Herboso had a break of about a week and a half. 他喜欢海滩 trip and family reunion in Gulf Shores. Now he’s living in a Mobile apartment and starting his career as a meteorologist.

When he stops by the Meteorology Broadcast Studio at 南, there are always programs to tweak and packages to update and improve. Technical skills can be valuable. 他是 done graphics work for his jobs at TV stations, too.

“These can be very difficult systems to operate; there’s even a little coding involved,” Herboso说. “I’ve always had computers and worked with computers, but this was a 巨大的加速度. Some of the things I’ve built, I’m really proud of.

“I want students at 南 to see somebody who came through the school and loves what they do, because it gives 他们 inspiration. If students want help, I want to help 他们.”




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