南 Alumna Named Army Civilian Videographer 年度最佳


莎拉·帕特森, a 2021 十大彩票网投平台 communication graduate, 被评为年度最佳陆军文职摄像师.  data-lightbox =“特色”
莎拉·帕特森, a 2021 十大彩票网投平台 communication graduate, has been 被评为年度最佳陆军民用摄像师. 图片由莎拉·帕特森提供.

莎拉·帕特森(莎拉·帕特森)在美国长大.S. 然后在意大利上了高中 returned to America for college at the 十大彩票网投平台.

她找到了一个家 传播系 广播新闻.

“它给了我一个社区,”她说. “它给了我一些参与其中的东西. 通信 大楼是我的安全空间. 我非常认真地对待学校. 我非常认真地对待我的工作. 我把所有的东西都放进了JagTV.”

Patterson became manager of the student television station and produced segments such 《十大彩票网投平台》和《那就是南方说的.她的职业规划是搬到 a big city for video work, but she wound up attending a job fair and landing an internship with Army Sustainment Command at the Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois.

After graduating in 2021, she returned to Rock Island for a civilian job as public 事务专家. 她 appears on camera in monthly news programs, engages on social media and produces video features on everything from "Why I Serve" to Best Warrior 比赛和9/11纪念活动.

In just her second year, she was named Department of the Army Civilian Videographer 年度最佳.

“When I got the phone call, I was beyond shocked, because I had only won second place in the competition for our major command,” Patterson said. “所以这是一个很大的惊喜. My boss thinks it was the 9/11 story that was so moving and helped me win the award.”

Dr. George Bovenizer, assistant professor of communication at 南, taught Patterson in a newscasting course that produced a television broadcast each week. 她做了一个 强烈的第一印象.

“What I remember is her just taking over,” Bovenizer said. “那是我的第一个学期, and she knew how everything worked, and she was someone the other students would listen to. 只是一个天生的领导者和一个有才华的摄像师. 她还帮我 Communication Day videos and the stuff she shot blew mine away. 她有一个伟大的 她是个很棒的编辑.

所以她的成功一点也不让我惊讶. 我总是告诉她她可以的 做她想做的广播吗. 她就像海绵一样,吸收一切 她总是向前推进.”


Growing up, Patterson’s family moved from Army base to Army base. 站点包括St. 路易斯,华盛顿特区.C.阿拉巴马州的亨茨维尔.

她 described that experience in a story about Army families:

“我自己就是个军人,”帕特森写道. “在我22年的人生中,我动过很多次 seven times, attended six different schools, and lived on three continents. 这意味着 that, every few years, I had to pick up my life and start fresh in a new place with new cultures, new people, new schools, new houses, new gymnastics teams and even new 语言.


In middle school, she took a literature class with a teacher who allowed students 用短片代替读书报告. “我总是会选择视频,” 她笑着说.

帕特森喜欢快节奏的节目. 比起电影,她更喜欢纪录片.

“真实的东西,”她说. “真正的人.”

At Vicenza High School in northern Italy, she found a mentor who taught video production. Recently, she wrote a letter thanking him for believing in her and contributing to 她的职业生涯.

“He basically taught me everything I know about video communication,” 她说. “I 我对它充满了热情. 到南方的时候,我已经知道自己是什么了 做什么以及如何编辑. 大一结束的时候,我已经是JagTV的经理了.”

Now Patterson lives and works three hours west of Chicago. 她想念炎热的天气 移动湿度. 她 would like to work on an Army base overseas, with Germany 作为一个梦想.

在南, Patterson sharpened her skills and learned how to manage peers and projects. 她 worked closely with professors on the finer points of video storytelling. 她 发现了接触受众的新媒体和新方法.

This experience helped make her Army Videographer 年度最佳.

“我们总是在想,‘我们怎样才能把这个故事缩短? 我们如何缩短这个脚本?’” 她说. “这是我在工作中经常使用的东西. 我记得我的社交媒体课 但这正是我现在所做的. 挑战总是得到 这条信息用尽可能少的词传达出去.”




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